School Hours


Our Kindergarten program operates on - Monday, Tuesday 8.55am to 3pm and Wednesday 8.55am to 1pm (KinderPears) and  Wednesday 8.55am to 1pm, Thursday and Friday 8.55am to 3pm (KinderApples) . Parents are asked to bring children to school between 8.30 and 8.55am and to collect them promptly at 3pm.

A parent/child (pre-kinder) program runs on a Wednesday afternoon from 1.45pm to 2.45pm between October and December for children enrolled in kindergarten for the following year. Advice about this program is sent by mail to enrolled families.

Launching into Learning

Launching into Learning runs on a Wednesday afternoon from 1.45pm to 2.45pm.  LiL will run offsite when the pre-kinder program runs.  An offsite program will be advertised in school newsletter and facebook.

Prep to Gr6

Students from Prep to grade 6 may arrive at school between 8.30 and 8.55 am and should be collected promptly at 3 pm. Classes begin promptly at 8.55 am and late arrival disrupts the learning program for everyone.

  • Recess – 11am – 11.30am
  • Lunch – 12.55pm – 1.40pm
  • Dismissal – 3pm

Staff supervision begins at 8.30am and finishes at 3.00pm. School crossing has a Duty Teacher from 3.00 to 3.15pm. Teachers are not on duty to supervise students outside these school hours.

Office hours

Annette Reggett, Maria Beecroft, Margaret Davy and/or Laura Bennett are available in the school office between 8.00am – 3.45pm. Phone: 6223 2268.

Out of Hours Care

A quality after school care program operates on our school site daily from 3pm – 6pm and before school care 7am - 8.30am. After Kinder care operates on Wednesdays from 1pm to 3pm. The program is run by Lady Gowrie and all enquiries and booking should be made directly with them. (Ph. 6230 6800) Lady Gowrie also runs a school holiday program, based at our school, during all school holidays.

Allergy awareness

At our school we have some students who are known to be at risk of severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to certain foods, such as nuts. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of these students at school we encourage all members of our school community to be allergy aware. As part of this allergy awareness we do not allow students to share of food and drinks at school. If at any time parents would like to bring food for sharing, e.g. a birthday cake, we ask that advice be sought from the class teacher so consideration of students special dietary needs can be made. More information is provided in our school information booklet. Our school is accredited as being ‘Asthma Active’ and ‘Anaphylaxis Active’ with the Asthma Foundation of Tasmania. For more information please ask for a copy of our Anaphylaxis and Allergy Policy.


Whole school assemblies are usually held on Fridays in the Multi-purpose room commencing at 1.50pm.  Assemblies will be restricted to students only and parents of classes sharing. Please watch the newsletter for more specific details about which classes will be sharing at each assembly.


Our Platium accredited canteen will operate on Fridays. The canteen offers fresh, healthy and delicious food that is mostly prepared on site by our parent volunteers.  Orders are done through the Qkr! App, orders have to be done by 10.00am Thursday mornings.  Weekly specials are sent out in the Newsletter or weekly update. More information will be provided by the Canteen Manager early in the school year.  Parent help to support our canteen is greatly appreciated.  Please speak to Annette in the office if you can help or check newsletter for Caron's contact number.

School newsletter

Our school newsletter is published fortnightly, with brief updates on alternate weeks. The newsletter contains information and items from staff, students and School Association.  It also contains advice about current and future school events and invites input from families.  This is the best way for families to keep up to date with what is happening at our school.  Contributions from the school community may be included and they need to arrive at the office by 9.00 am Monday.

The newsletter will be published through Schoolzine and sent electronically by email or by Schoolzine App for android or apple phones, to all families. Please include email details on your school validation form.

School Uniform

We encourage all students to wear our school uniform as it fosters a sense of belonging and pride in our school. New and second hand school uniforms can be bought from the school office. Price lists and uniform alternatives are available. Broad brimmed hats are required first and fourth term.

Uniform shop days: Tuesdays 2.30pm to 3pm

                              Thursdays 8.30am to 9.15am

Parent participation at school

Your involvement is highly valued at our school.  There are many opportunities for involvement including School Association, school canteen, parent help in the classrooms, library, coaching sports teams etc. Please let us know if you have particular skills you would like to offer. 

 We ask all our volunteers and visitors to:

  • to complete a Working with Vulnerable People online registration as required by the Department of Education and provide the office with evidence of your completed registration.
  • you must sign in at the front office using the Kiosk and have your WWVP card each time.
  • wear a your WWVP card (in a lanyard provided by school) whilst in the school and on excursions.
  • to complete the Mandatory Reporting video (goes for 13 mins) and show evidence of certificate to office.

Working with Vulnerable People

All parents or volunteers who work with children in our school are required by the Department of Education to complete a Working with Vulnerable People online registration. This is to help ensure the safety and wellbeing of all students. Please go online to complete the application and it is critical that you choose Department of Education from the drop down box. Apply for registration to work with vulnerable people (

Mandaroty Reporting

Our Department now requires all volunteers to do a short online course (short 13 min video) about Mandatory reporting. This is one of the ways we are working to keep all our students safe.

Sign up with your work email (

Department of Education website – This site provides a wealth of information about departmental policies, guidelines, programs and initiatives.