18 December 2024
Principals Report
School Calendar
Student Voice
Nut Allergy – Reminder
Launching into Learning 2024
Uniform Times
Student Medications
Medical Action Plans
WWVP Card & Mandatory Reporting
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
Mandatory Reporting
After School Care & Before School Care
Community Notices
Principals Report

Classes 2025
Yesterday the students visited their classes for next year and met their teacher and their classmates. Staff have spent weeks working out the best possible combinations for each class. Some are with the same teacher and same classrooms, others new rooms and teachers. The P/1 students met Anita Button who will be their 3day teacher as well as our new AST. Unfortunately, Sarah Wilson, our new 3/4 teacher was unable to attend as she was on her class in Dover.
Carols –
Last Thursday we held our annual school Carols. While it was a tad drizzly it did not dampen the enthusiasm and the delightful singing. Everyone was well fed by the BBQ run by the School Association volunteers. A huge thank you to Mr Peter Eddleston for the effort he has put in over the term to ensure our students were ready to perform and who kept the show going. Thanks also to Mrs Flora Pan for her work with the Kinder Pears for their song and Mr Grant Williams for preparing his class and the AUKs for their performances.

National Interschool Chess Finals 2024
On the 6th of December, six of Albuera Street Primary’s best chess players went to Perth to battle it out against the other states.
The students travelling to compete were six of the players who had won the State Interschool Finals: Tom, Teddy, William, Santi, Minh Nhat. They enjoyed their time in Perth, getting to play against some of the best players in Australia.
They went in unsure of how to play this specific type of chess that they hadn't played before. It was quite challenging, but they learnt quite a lot about classical chess and ended up placing 7th.
Thank you to:
All the people who donated to the Chess Club
The School Association for their part in helping fund the trip
The school for running a fundraiser to help support the players
The parents for putting their time and efforts into helping the team
And James, the chess coach who flew with them to Perth, connected them to another coach, Carl Gorka, who also helped teach the players, and taught them to play the best chess they could.
By the Albuera St Chess Team (Tom, Teddy, William, Santi, Minh Nhat and Benjamin)
Wax Museum –
Over the last few years, the 3/4 and 4/5 classes have been involved in a ‘Wax Museum’. This is where there is a research topic and the students choose a person/object or animal to research and then embody in order to share their learning with the audiences who come to visit. This year 3/4B were researching artists, 3/4W explorers and 4/5W endangered species. The students dress up and often also have a diorama or other props to support their oral presentation.

Leavers’ Assembly –
Last Monday we had our Y6 Leavers’ Assembly. This was our first evening presentation since Covid and it was lovely that so many family members were able to attend. We were honoured to have Trudy Pearce, the Deputy Secretary of Schools and Early Years attend and present the Minister for Education’s Respectful Student award. Afterwards, Trudy sent me an email commending our school. Here are some of her words:
‘It was such a treat Jo, please accept my congratulations on a wonderful evening. I would also like to extend my commendations to the students who demonstrated such agency and poise throughout the proceedings. It was certainly their night; with a sense of belonging and connection to Albuera clearly on show – and wasn’t it great to see their enjoyment and delight in each other’s company (and their teachers).’

Farewell Mr Grant Williams –
At the end of 2024, we farewell Grant Williams who has had 16 wonderful years teaching at Albuera Street.
Grant lives for teaching, constantly thinking about activities he could use in the classroom or songs he can sing with his students. We frequently hear him belting out songs with his guitar before and after school.
His contribution to the life of the school has been enormous including being the announcer at various carnivals, organising college and high school bands to visit and nurturing and developing the ukelele skills and singing talent of students from grades 3 to 6. He advocates and is a strong supporter of teaching literacy explicitly, based on evidence. This has led to rich staff discussions and students leave his class with a deep literacy knowledge.
Grant loves teaching about the history of Albuera Street including the significance of the name Albuera and its well-known student Errol Flynn. His love of history transfers in class to researching where students’ surnames originally come from, developing PowerPoints for assemblies, and sharing his wide knowledge with students and peers.
Each year Grant enthusiastically puts together an end of year photo-movie of the year’s events. Known for his love of Star Wars and all memorabilia he is particularly proud of his Gandalf-style video and Star Wars movie he made with the help of students’ parents.
An avid supporter of the NSW Blues in the Rugby League he wears the colours proudly and loves giving a hard time to Peter Eddleston who is a Queensland supporter. In the AFL, Carlton is his team however their lack of winning constantly disappoints him.
Almost every week Grant sees past Albuera students in the supermarket and town or has students frequently pop into his class to catch up with him. He loves seeing students he has taught and catching up with their latest news.
We wish Grant continued success with his teaching career and will enjoy hearing how his knowledge and wisdom is imparted in his new school. For those of us who work closely with him he will be deeply missed but his friendship and the strong bonds we have formed will always remain.
By Peta Burnett

Kinder Carnival
Last Wednesday, the Kinders had their annual carnival coordinated by Nick Corney and the Y6 leaders. There were a variety of sporty activities like sack races, soccer as well as throwing, hitting and balance activities where students had fun and showed their gross motor skills they have been honing all year.

Parent Tip –
With the coming holidays it is a chance to remember that playing and learning and nature go hand in hand:

I wish everyone a happy and safe holiday filled with moments that make precious memories.
See you in the new year. Students return on Thursday 6th February.
Jo Waldon
Graduation Photo – Goodbye and Goodluck for 2025

School Calendar
Student Voice
Grade 1/2P 1/2 Koalas
We are learning how to make a variety of sounds and that sound energy causes objects to vibrate. We have been experimenting with sound and have learned:
that sound can travel through solid, liquid or gas – Olive
that sound can damage your ear drums – Bill
that sound can travel really, really fast – Thea
that sound can travel through water quicker than through air – Sofia
that if the sound is low it makes less sound waves – Hugo
that if the sound is high there are more sound waves - Eddie
that sound can make things vibrate, especially low pitch sounds – Florence
that sound can bounce off things – Charles
that sound can go really, really far – Sophia
that sound can be loud or quiet – Selwyn
that sounds cannot be made in a vacuum – Willow
that a vacuum is where that are no molecules to vibrate to make sound – Kiran
that vibrating molecules make sound travel – Liam
that loud sounds can hurt your ear – Jennifer
that when the sound is low it makes more of a buzz – Claude
that when a jar has less water it makes a high sound – Ryan
that when a jar has more water it makes a lower sound – Aylin
that over 20,000hz is called ultrasound – Theo
that if sound is under 20hz it is called infrasound – Nuraz
that sound waves can be many different sizes - Julia

Grade 4/5W
Face Mats – 45W

She had been waiting in line for two hours, two long, boring hours. Finally, she got to the front of the line when someone cut in. She stood there in silence trying not to cause a scene. But, a scene was ready to be caused …

She grinned in delight as she pushed her enemy off the cliff, never to be seen again. She backed away from the edge and got in her car and drove away into the cold dead night. But wait, what are those coloured lights? What is that siren. Her veins ran cold.

His face was frozen with that smile. It would never change. Long ago, he wasn’t like this, he would almost never smile until a fateful curse, which change that. It ripped out his teeth and replaced it with perfect teeth and moustache and beyond perfect smile. What could possibly go wrong.

He was in World War 2 as an 18-year-old. He was ready to fire from his trench in the dark. He would not give up ever. But wait. That was 80 years ago …

She walked into the classroom and saw the perfect victim. He was bald and not very tall. He never got to scream…

She looked at her new employee, listening carefully to each detail. After, she waited for him to leave, and she studied the documents whether she should let him join her crew.

She is a crazy woman, not quite right in her head. People wondered as she walked by; “What a weird person! Definitely not right in the head. You never know what she might do next!” But she wasn’t crazy. There was nothing wrong. All she felt was joy.

She’d just got her lips done. She’s now getting ready for a fancy dinner with her besties and her friends. She hopes she can impress the popular girl. Just as she walks in, she trips. Her makeup smudges…

This guy fell into a vat of chemicals. Drowning in his doom, a foolish surgeon repaired his melted flesh. He will now keep this smile forever. What a joker.

He walked into the bar, asking for a drink. He stopped midsentence, and his moustache quivered. For the barman was his archnemesis. Rishi Moghe. Without hesitation, he left the bar. He could not bear to see Rishi again. Yet, Rishi followed…

She saw delicious food, and she was very hungry. She couldn’t hold her hunger, so she barged into the restaurant and began stealing food. Someone called the police…

A guy, who hadn’t slept for fifty hours because of caffeine, was running around crazily because he drank too much coffee and was suffering from caffeination. Now he’s just anxious and tired.

He was walking. strutting really. He walked into a bar and sat down. “Why are you So happy?” friend asked “you don't smile that much. you don't smile at all actually.”
He Smiled a little more and shook his head. His friend Didn't need to know what was going on. he would find out soon enough

“Ye, a Squashbuckler. Looking for his treasure.” He spotted Pirates. “ARM THE CANNONS,” he screamsed. “Raid their life supplies and most importantly their treasure,” he continued, but behind his back one of his crewmates held the pistol behind their back. “Bye bye,” the crewmate said.

His dangerous smile. Those golden teeth. You knew you had made a mistake dealing with him. He would steal as much gold as he could, making him the most wanted. He looked like a pirate, but he was just a regular thief.

He was grinning, whilst waiting until the camera man took a picture. Then, out of nowhere there were sirens: red and blue lights. Then He realised that the camera man was the criminal.

She bit into an apple thinking it was just a normal apple but, to her surprise, it was as sour as a lemon. She looked over her shoulder and saw her greatest enemy smirking. They had poisoned the apple to make it taste horrid, even worser then a lemon. She quickly spat it out and put the remains in her enemy’s mouth.

Containment Breach 1
The Task Force Epsilon 11 engaged to apprehend subject 132.
Only one had survived.
He was frustrated that his squad mates had disobeyed orders and died.

Containment Breach 2
He was watching them through the back window. An emergency broad cast sounded: “A dangerous creature is heading towards your town. Lock all possible entries into your house. Don’t let your family be alone. Stay safe - Australian government.”

When she saw someone that she liked, she started make a pretty face which scared away the handsome boy, but he was never to be seen again.

He was a middle- aged man who was very hairy and could not stop drinking. One day, he went to a bar and tried to buy a beer, but his card was declined. Hi left angry, but sober.

A toddler, watching his dream. He is paralysed, for he is in shock. He can’t stop staring at the neon sign. His parents try to snap him out, while he is thinking of his future in the theatre.

She came in the room ready to show her mask. It made people scream and run out of the room. Alone, she took off the mask and laughed. She put the mask back on and ran around the room, laughing.
A summer of reading fun with the Big Summer Read
Students and families can join the Big Summer Read at Libraries Tasmania for the chance to win prizes and be part of a statewide reading club.
The Big Summer Read is a reading initiative that makes reading over the summer holidays fun and engaging. Students can participate in reading challenges, add book reviews and track reading progress as they aim to read at least 10 books for a chance to win a major prize.
The Big Summer Read ends on 2 February 2025.
Visit https://libraries.tas.gov.au/BigSummerRead to register and join the Big Summer Read.
Optional: Students - Join your library to start your reading adventure and access free books, audiobooks and eBooks that all count towards Big Summer Read reading totals! Ask your parent or guardian to visit https://libraries.tas.gov.au/membership to join Libraries Tasmania.
Nut Allergy – Reminder
We have a number of students in our school who are allergic to nuts and nut products. Exposure to nuts can trigger an allergic reaction and be life-threatening for these students, so please avoid sending nuts or nut based products to school. We aim to keep our school as nut-free as possible to keep our students safe.
Launching into Learning 2024

Lil will start on Wednesday Feb 19th 1.45 to 2.45.
Albuera Street Primary Launching into Learning (LiL) uses email, Schoolzine (the school newsletter) and Facebook to communicate with our families. Families are responsible for ensuring the school has your current email address. Stay up to date with LiL through the school Facebook page and the newsletter. If you have any questions, please email mandy.newton@decyp.tas.gov.au
Uniform Times
This year as we are setting times available for the purchase of uniforms.
Tuesdays: 2.30pm to 3.00pm
Thursdays: 8.30 am to 9.15am
Orders can be made and paid for over the phone and be ready to pick up at an arranged time if the above times do not suit you.
Thank you to parents who have paid levies and to those who are making regular payments. Levies are now overdue, if you are experiencing difficulties with making payments, please contact Annette and discuss a payment plan. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Payment Options
- BPay, Service Tasmania, Eftpos
- Credit Card over the phone (6223 2268)
- Cheque payable to Albuera Street Primary School
- Levy Instalment Plan (Please contact reggett@decyp.tas.gov.au or 6223 2268)
Student Medications
It is a Department of Education requirement that all medications to be taken by students during the school day are to be passed into the office or teacher in charge of an excursion or camp. The medications require a signed doctor/pharmacist as well as parent permission form (these forms are available in the Forms and Documents panel in the newsletter or at the office). The medication is also to be in the original packaging so that staff know what they are administering. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Medical Action Plans
Every child at Albuera Street Primary with a medical condition needs to supply an updated medical plan to the school each year, especially those with Anaphylaxis and Asthma. Staff from Albuera have been trained in Anaphylaxis using EpiPens and also in Ventolin administration for Asthma. If you are new to the school and your child has a medical condition please come into the office and collect an appropriate action plan form, or if you just have questions please don’t hesitate to phone the school.

WWVP Card & Mandatory Reporting

The Department requirement is that you must present your RWVP card EVERY time you sign in.
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
To volunteer at this school, you will be required to hold a “Registration to Work with Vulnerable People”. It is extremely important that parent helpers and volunteers are registered and Albuera Street Primary School is recorded in your application.
How to apply for a WWVP Card
Complete the online application form.
Chose Department of Education from the organisation drop-down box and also select Albuera Street Primary School from the location drop-down box. Please remember each time to volunteer at the school you need to bring your card each time.
Mandatory Reporting
Our Department now requires all volunteers to do a short online course (short 13 min video) about Mandatory reporting. This is one of the ways we are working to keep all our students safe. Please use the link below or see the flyer.
Parents/carers are reminded to advise the school office if their child is unable to attend school due to illness or any other reason.
- By phone (62232268) leave a message anytime on the answering machine.
- Email street.primary@education.tas.gov.au
- Schoolzine – click on the absentee tab
A medical certificate is required if a child is absent due to illness for 5 days or more

After School Care & Before School Care
ASC & BSC is provided on site by Lady Gowrie Child Care Services (Ph: 6230 6806).
BSC is available from 7 am to 8.30 am.
ASC is available from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm each school day and 1.00pm – 3.00pm Wednesday for Kinder.
Term Dates for 2025
Term 1 | Thursday 6 February to Friday 11 April |
Term 2 | Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July |
Term 3 | Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September |
Term 4 | Monday 13 October to Thursday 18 December |
Student Free days 2025
Friday, 6 June | K-12 |
Friday, 24 October | K-10 |
Community Notices