27 March 2024
Principals Report
Growing Program
French Class at Albuera Street Primary School
Student Voice
Questacon Pop-up Science Centre
Nut Allergy – Reminder
Launching into Learning 2024
Uniform Times
Student Medications
Medical Action Plans
WWVP Card & Mandatory Reporting
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
Mandatory Reporting
After School Care & Before School Care
Community Notices
Principals Report

Harmony Day Breakfast
What a beautiful morning we had last Wednesday for our Harmony Day breakfast. It was lovely to see the effort people made, the colour orange and the cultural costumes as well as the delicious food for everyone to share. Thank you to staff and families for making this a memorable day in our year and for the spirit of generosity created by sharing the diverse cultures in our school.

Athletics Carnival

We had our school Athletics Carnival last Monday. This was the first time for a few years that our Prep-2 students participated along with the older students. It was also Mr Nick Corney’s first carnival that he had run. The weather was rather warm, but the participation of the students was admirable and it was lovely to see students shine, persevere and be involved.
Thank you to the year 10 students from Taroona High School who helped out so effectively and the parent volunteers, without whom such events cannot run.
Well done to our Sports Leaders who ran the warm up for the school and our Albuera and Byron captains and Vice Captains who supported their teams to cheer, participate and showed great sportsmanship.
It was a close event and we would like to congratulate Albuera House which won with a score of 875 to Byron’s 814. We still have the 1500m race to run which be after Easter.
The interschool Athletics Carnival is on Wednesday 3rd April, the day we return after Easter. Students have been informed if they are selected to represent our school. Volunteers are also needed to help with the carnival.

Orienteering –
For the past few weeks our Year 3-6 students have been learning about orienteering, learning how to use a map, follow directions and find waypoints around the school. Last Friday these students had the opportunity to run an orienteering course at the Domain to gain a real understanding of this sport.

We would like to share with you that Renee Britton is happy to announce that she has a baby boy, Bobby. Both mum and baby are doing well. We wish this new family all the best and look forward to them visiting us.

Easter Raffle –
Thank you to the organisers of our Easter Raffle. We raised $2083.50 which will go towards the painting of games and activities on our school grounds, chosen by the students in 2023.
Thank you to Woolworths for their donation of prizes and thank you to the Harvey and Hazelwood families for their donation of the 10kg chocolate block. It was a very surprised and happy Annette Reggett who got to take it home to share with her family.

Easter Raffle – thank you all for your support.
1st Annette 2nd Michael 3rd Liam
4th Ken 5th Zoe 6th Heazlewood family
7th Pricilla 8th Robert 9th Freda
10th Michael
Footsteps Disco –
Once again, the students had a great time at the disco which included free dancing as well as opportunities to perform the dances they had been learning. The professionalism and expertise of our Footsteps instructor was implemental in the success of this program.

Camp –
This week most of our year 5/6 students have been at the Blue Lagoon camp participating in many activities planned to promote a sense of belonging and connection, independence, resilience, and social learning. We will learn more about the camp in our next newsletter.
Parent Tip – Sometimes children feel overwhelmed by all the things that are going on in their lives and feel that they have no control over what is happening to them. While we cannot control everything, it is good to focus on the things we can control to varying degrees.

Wishing everyone a happy Easter for the 29th March – 1st April

We will see everyone back here on Wednesday 3rd April
Remember – school photos are on Wednesday 3rd April too.
Jo Waldon
School Photo - Reminder
Attached is a digital copy of your School’s Flyer for ordering School Photos. [Access Key 9PHZ9UAM]. Cut-off for Family Photos is at 4:30pm the night before Photo Day and all students will have an individual photo taken regardless of whether they have ordered or not. Individual student ordering will stay open after Photo Day.
Growing Program
Parent info session for K to 1/2 will be from 11.00am to 11.30am Wednesday 3rd April.
Kindergarten to Grade 1/2P session will be Wednesday 3rd April starting at 11.30am .
Programs for Grade 2/3 to Grade 5/6 will be on the 8th, 9th,10th and 11th April.
Parent info session will be 8.30am to 9.00am on the 8th April for the above classes.
Links below for more information:
French Class at Albuera Street Primary School
Expression of interest for the classes please see flyer below. Numbers are limited.

Student Voice
Prep 1 tigers have been working on their sheep craft that mix with literacy, maths, physics and imagination skills. We used cotton balls, paper plates, craft eyes, water, food dye for this experience. Students explored and observed the time length and the quantity of the cotton balls to absorb the dye, they brainstormed the methods such as air dry, sun dry, blowing etc. to dry the cotton balls and hypothesized how long it might take. They comprehended the story book of ‘where is the green sheep’ and took the sheep outdoor then created their own sentence ‘here is the __ sheep’
Grade 3/4B
Harmony Day
Grade 34B & 34W celebrated Harmony Day by opening the doors between the two classrooms. Students brought in delicious food & some dressed in their traditional costumes to represent their culture. It was terrific to have parents in our room chatting & enjoying each other’s company.

Grade 34B & 34W headed to the Domain to participate in orienteering. Students had been learning about how to use a compass & read a map in the school environment. It was now time to put all that learning into a new different environment. Students in pairs and small groups read their maps and raced around the different locations scanning their cards. It was great to be able to put their learning into a real orienteering situation where timing and scanning their card for all the locations was important.

Simple Sentences
Students have been learning to use descriptive language to write interesting sentences. Each student was presented with a page of different images and had to write an imaginative sentence for each picture.

Canteen Specials
29th March
Good Friday
5th April
Recess: Sweet Special Apple Cake
Savoury Special: Pizza Scrolls
Fruit Muffin: Blueberry
Lunch: Mild Vegetarian Curry
Volunteers Term 2
Thanks to all those people who have volunteered in the canteen during term 1. It’s not too early to put your name down for term 2. Contact he office or me directly on 0417 559 920. Thanks.
Caron Summers
Canteen Manager
Canteen Helper
Canteen Helpers
Please remember to choose the correct order date on the Qkr! App.
Questacon Pop-up Science Centre
Event name:
FREE Questacon Pop-Up Science Centre
Event Details:
The table below contains information on the town, date and time, and venue location of our pop-up event.
Friday 12 April, 10am – 4pm
Saturday 13 April, 10am – 4pm
Monday 15 April, 10am – 4pm
Tuesday 16 April, 10am – 2pm
Kingsborough Sports Centre,
10 Kingston View Dr, Kingston TAS
Join the Questacon Science Circus for a FREE pop-up science centre experience like no other! 🚚🎪
Come along to spin yourself dizzy, test your reflexes, explore your fingertips under the microscope, and watch some of our spectacular science shows. 😄🔬
With over 30 hands-on exhibits, the Science Circus pop-up is a fantastic STEM day out for the whole family. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to ignite your curiosity! 🌟
- This is a FREE event, but bookings are essential.
- Most people spend 1 – 2 hours at our pop-up.
- Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
- This pop-up event is open on four separate days, providing the same offering each day.
Hurry, book your FREE ticket now! ▶️ bit.ly/kingston-pop-up

Nut Allergy – Reminder
We have a number of students in our school who are allergic to nuts and nut products. Exposure to nuts can trigger an allergic reaction and be life-threatening for these students, so please avoid sending nuts or nut based products to school. We aim to keep our school as nut-free as possible to keep our students safe.
Launching into Learning 2024

Uniform Times
This year as we are setting times available for the purchase of uniforms.
Tuesdays: 2.30pm to 3.00pm
Thursdays: 8.30 am to 9.15am
Orders can be made and paid for over the phone and be ready to pick up at an arranged time if the above times do not suit you.
Thank you to parents who have paid levies and to those who are making regular payments. Levies are now overdue, if you are experiencing difficulties with making payments, please contact Annette and discuss a payment plan. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Payment Options
- BPay, Service Tasmania, Eftpos
- Credit Card over the phone (6223 2268)
- Cheque payable to Albuera Street Primary School
- Levy Instalment Plan (Please contact reggett@education.tas.gov.au or 6223 2268)
Student Medications
It is a Department of Education requirement that all medications to be taken by students during the school day are to be passed into the office or teacher in charge of an excursion or camp. The medications require a signed doctor/pharmacist as well as parent permission form (these forms are available in the Forms and Documents panel in the newsletter or at the office). The medication is also to be in the original packaging so that staff know what they are administering. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Medical Action Plans
Every child at Albuera Street Primary with a medical condition needs to supply an updated medical plan to the school each year, especially those with Anaphylaxis and Asthma. Staff from Albuera have been trained in Anaphylaxis using EpiPens and also in Ventolin administration for Asthma. If you are new to the school and your child has a medical condition please come into the office and collect an appropriate action plan form, or if you just have questions please don’t hesitate to phone the school.

WWVP Card & Mandatory Reporting

The Department requirement is that you must present your RWVP card EVERY time you sign in.
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
To volunteer at this school, you will be required to hold a “Registration to Work with Vulnerable People”. It is extremely important that parent helpers and volunteers are registered and Albuera Street Primary School is recorded in your application.
How to apply for a WWVP Card
Complete the online application form. This is available from the website at
Chose Department of Education from the organisation drop-down box and also select Albuera Street Primary School from the location drop-down box. Please remember each time to volunteer at the school you need to bring your card each time.
Mandatory Reporting
Our Department now requires all volunteers to do a short online course (short 13 min video) about Mandatory reporting. This is one of the ways we are working to keep all our students safe. Please use the link below or see the flyer.

Parents/carers are reminded to advise the school office if their child is unable to attend school due to illness or any other reason.
- By phone (62232268) leave a message anytime on the answering machine.
- Email street.primary@education.tas.gov.au
- Schoolzine – click on the absentee tab
A medical certificate is required if a child is absent due to illness for 5 days or more

After School Care & Before School Care
ASC & BSC is provided on site by Lady Gowrie Child Care Services (Ph: 6230 6806).
BSC is available from 7 am to 8.30 am.
ASC is available from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm each school day and 1.00pm – 3.00pm Wednesday for Kinder.
Assembly Dates for Term 1
Fri 12th April - presenting – 5/6S,3/4W and 1/2P
Term Dates for 2024
Term 1 | Thurs 8th February – Fri 12th April (EASTER break – 29th March - 2nd April) |
Term 2 | Mon 29th April – Fri 5th July |
Term 3 | Mon 22nd July – Fri 27th Sept |
Term 4 | Mon 14th Oct – Thurs 19th Dec |
Community Notices