28 February 2024
Principals Report
School Association
Student Voice
Nut Allergy – Reminder
Launching into Learning 2024
Uniform Times
Student Medications
Medical Action Plans
WWVP Card & Mandatory Reporting
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
Mandatory Reporting
After School Care & Before School Care
Community Notices
Principals Report
AFL Clinics –
Over the last two weeks all our students have been treated to PE sessions run by volunteers from Sandy Bay Football Club. Students have been engaged in learning skills to support the sport. This week and next week the Primary students will be learning about orienteering. These opportunities are available through applying to the National Sporting Schools Grants that introduce students to a variety of sports. Thank you to Ms Renee Britton for organising these experiences for our students. Ms Britton’s last day was last week. She is now on Maternity Leave, and we wish her all the best in this exciting new chapter in her life. Ms Britton will return as PE teacher in 2025. From now to the end of the year, Mr Nick Corney will be our PE teacher.
Leadership Roles at ASPS
At Albuera Street we provide opportunities for all our Y6 students to be involved in leadership opportunities.
DPE - All Y6 students run our ‘DPE’ sessions on Wednesday – Friday. They plan and present fitness activities for classes to participate in. They are expected to be prepared, able to give clear instructions and support the students to engage in the activities. DPE began last week.
Sports Leaders – Y6 students had to opportunity to put themselves forward for the roles of Sports Leaders. We had thirteen candidates for the 8 positions. Students were required to prepare and present a speech as to why students from Years 3-6 should vote for them. Their roles are to coordinate the students at the Athletics, Cross Country and Swimming Carnivals, run the annual Soccer World Cup as well as running games and other activities during lunch times.
Congratulations to these people who are the Sports leaders:
Leaders for Albuera:
Leaders for Byron:
Other Leadership roles –
Now the rest of the Y6 students will write applications for roles in Community Connections – fundraising, Green Team – Garden, recycling, sustainability and FOGO, IT Gurus – supporting staff and students with IT and Media Team– photography at events and assembly IT co-ordination. Students will be finding out about their roles later this week.
New Staff –
We would like to welcome Anna Vickerman to the 2/3 team. Ms Baird is working on the class Monday-Thursday and Mrs Vickerman on Fridays. We are lucky to have Anna working with us as a TA on other days. She brings so many skills to her roles.
Reminders –
- Sharing of Food – students are to be reminded that due to allergies, parent preferences and hygiene that the sharing of food at school is not to occur. When celebrating a birthday, if you wish to bring something to share, check about food allergies or intolerances with your child’s teacher then give the food to the teacher so it can be distributed to the students.
- Lollypops – we would prefer if you did not send your children to school with lollypops as they take a long time to eat and playing games while eating a lollypop is unsafe.
- Chewing Gum – this is another product we would prefer not to be at school as it often ends up on the ground or in children’s hair.
Launching into Learning –
LiL began last week with parents and little ones connecting with each other to learn through play. LiL runs on Wednesday afternoons in the Kinder room for children 0-4 and parents/carers.
‘Playtime is precious. Play builds brain pathways for thinking, creativity, flexibility, empathy and many other lifelong skills.’ Heather Shumaker
Learning in and around school–
Welcoming displays, library time, buddy reading, mindfulness and Behind the News …
Meet the Teacher – Tuesday 20th February:
Thank you to all who took time out of their busy lives to attend our Meet the Teacher sessions.
Parent/Teacher Phone conversations:
Class teachers will be making phone contact with families in week 5 (4th – 8th March) to have a chat about how your child has settled into school, their aptitude to learning and give you the opportunity to share information about your child, their interests, feelings about school and anything else you feel would be relevant to the teacher to support your child with their learning and wellbeing. If your child has a Learning Plan, they will also discuss the initial goals they have before the updating of these plans nearer to the end of term.
The booking system is now open.
Bookings will close Friday 1st March at 6.00pm.
Information about NAPLAN will be coming home this week.
Parent Tip – Sibling Connections
Just the other day I was minding my own business in a grocery store when I noticed a little girl.
The cashier offered her a sticker, and she said something that just made me smile, "Can I have one for my brother too? He's at school."
Isn't that just the sweetest?
That's precisely what we hope for our kids – not just tolerating each other, but genuine sibling friendship.
But how do we encourage that strong sibling bond?
Here’s one simple tactic that worked wonders for so many families!
Schedule one-on-one time for them to have fun together.
In our family, we like to take our sons to a local ice cream shop. We let them pick out whatever they want and then let them choose a small table for just the two of them.
We sit at a different table just far enough away to give them some privacy. I love seeing their giggles in the corner!
Alexandra’s Big Life Journal
Jo Waldon
School Association
Tuesday 26th March – 6pm at school
All parents and carers are members of the School Association by default, and all are welcome to attend the AGM, where the 2024 committee will be elected.
The Association plays an important role in representing families' perspectives to the School and relies on volunteers to join the committee in order to continue to function. General committee membership entails a commitment to attend an online meeting once per term, and occasionally to respond to an out-of-session vote by email. There is always scope to contribute more time through volunteering for additional roles and responsibilities, but the basic commitment is not particularly time consuming.
Anyone interested in nominating but wanting to learn more would be very welcome to attend our March 5th final regular meeting before the AGM just to get a feel for what's involved. Please contact joanne.waldon@decyp.tas.gov.au for a link to attend.
Family Fun Day
"On March 31st the School Association will host a family fun day at the school with free food and coffee from 12. Bring a picnic blanket, and if you'd like to bring additional food, games, or music to share, all would be welcome. Please email albuerastreetpssa@gmail.com if you're able to volunteer to help out on the day. This event is in partnership with Relationships Australia Tasmania, and is funded by the Tasmanian Government through the Healthy Tasmania Fund."
Student Voice
Kinder Apples
The Kinder Apples have had a fantastic start to the year. In Kinder play is our work. The Apples have made new friends and are busy learning each others names. We are talking and singing songs about the beach and the sea. Together we have; wondered, discovered, eaten, read, sung, listened, painted, drawn, cut, glued, stuck, mixed, climbed, balanced, rolled, jumped, run, slid, worked as a team and lots more!
We went and took imaginary photos of the apple trees growing in the Northern Playground and then drew and painted these fabulous pictures.
Grade 2/3B
Grade 2/3 Tassie Tigers have been looking at the strength of gratitude. We thought of the things in our lives for which we are grateful and made these fantastic Gratitude Trees.
Grade 4/5W
45W have started their journey by discovering/sharing aspects of ourselves with the class.
We have created a class quilt where everyone drew and wrote about various aspects of their background and interests that they wished to share. We are beginning to make connections with each other about shared aspects of our lives.
Please find below photos of the students who have completed their quilt. Each student is pointing to their favourite topic! Cheers, Mr Williams
Canteen Specials
1st March
Recess: Sweet Special: Hummingbird Cake
Savoury Special: Nachos
Fruit Muffin: Mixed Berry
Lunch Special: Lamb meatballs with Cous-cous salad
8th March
Recess: Sweet Special: Apple Cake
Savoury Special: pizza scrolls
Fruit Muffin: Blueberry
Lunch Special: Thai Beef Salad
Volunteers Required.
A big thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help in the canteen. I still need people for the following dates; 15th March 22nd March, 5tht April, and 12th April (the last day of term). If you can help please fill in form below, contact the office or me directly on 0417 559 920
Caron Summers
Canteen Manager
Canteen Helper
Canteen Helpers
Please remember to choose the correct order date on the Qkr! App.
Nut Allergy – Reminder
We have a number of students in our school who are allergic to nuts and nut products. Exposure to nuts can trigger an allergic reaction and be life-threatening for these students, so please avoid sending nuts or nut based products to school. We aim to keep our school as nut-free as possible to keep our students safe.
New online information hub for families
Some exciting news! The Department for Education, Children and Young People has recently launched a new online information hub for families with school-aged children in Tasmania. Our new website has information to help you navigate your child's education, from birth all the way up to 18 years of age.
Visit our new webpage at Welcome to your child's Tasmanian education - The Department for Education, Children and Young People Tasmania (decyp.tas.gov.au)
Some of the things you’ll find include
- tips on how to support your child’s learning at home
- information to help you keep your child safe and well
- a guide to explore courses for the career they want
- school holiday and term dates.
We hope this website will be a valuable tool for you as you help your child navigate their education journey. We would love to know what you think of our new information hub for families. You can tell us by completing a quick survey on the webpage.
Launching into Learning 2024
Uniform Times
This year as we are setting times available for the purchase of uniforms.
Tuesdays: 2.30pm to 3.00pm
Thursdays: 8.30 am to 9.15am
Orders can be made and paid for over the phone and be ready to pick up at an arranged time if the above times do not suit you.
Thank you to parents who have paid levies and to those who are making regular payments. Levies are now overdue, if you are experiencing difficulties with making payments, please contact Annette and discuss a payment plan. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly or monthly.
Payment Options
- BPay, Service Tasmania, Eftpos
- Credit Card over the phone (6223 2268)
- Cheque payable to Albuera Street Primary School
- Levy Instalment Plan (Please contact reggett@education.tas.gov.au or 6223 2268)
Student Medications
It is a Department of Education requirement that all medications to be taken by students during the school day are to be passed into the office or teacher in charge of an excursion or camp. The medications require a signed doctor/pharmacist as well as parent permission form (these forms are available in the Forms and Documents panel in the newsletter or at the office). The medication is also to be in the original packaging so that staff know what they are administering. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Medical Action Plans
Every child at Albuera Street Primary with a medical condition needs to supply an updated medical plan to the school each year, especially those with Anaphylaxis and Asthma. Staff from Albuera have been trained in Anaphylaxis using EpiPens and also in Ventolin administration for Asthma. If you are new to the school and your child has a medical condition please come into the office and collect an appropriate action plan form, or if you just have questions please don’t hesitate to phone the school.
WWVP Card & Mandatory Reporting
The Department requirement is that you must present your RWVP card EVERY time you sign in.
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
To volunteer at this school, you will be required to hold a “Registration to Work with Vulnerable People”. It is extremely important that parent helpers and volunteers are registered and Albuera Street Primary School is recorded in your application.
How to apply for a WWVP Card
Complete the online application form. This is available from the website at
Chose Department of Education from the organisation drop-down box and also select Albuera Street Primary School from the location drop-down box. Please remember each time to volunteer at the school you need to bring your card each time.
Mandatory Reporting
Our Department now requires all volunteers to do a short online course (short 13 min video) about Mandatory reporting. This is one of the ways we are working to keep all our students safe. Please use the link below or see the flyer.
Parents/carers are reminded to advise the school office if their child is unable to attend school due to illness or any other reason.
- By phone (62232268) leave a message anytime on the answering machine.
- Email street.primary@education.tas.gov.au
- Schoolzine – click on the absentee tab
A medical certificate is required if a child is absent due to illness for 5 days or more
After School Care & Before School Care
ASC & BSC is provided on site by Lady Gowrie Child Care Services (Ph: 6230 6806).
BSC is available from 7 am to 8.30 am.
ASC is available from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm each school day and 1.00pm – 3.00pm Wednesday for Kinder.
Assembly Dates for Term 1
Fri 1st March – presenting - 5/6DJ, 3/4B and P/1CM
Fri 22nd March – presenting – 4/5W, 2/3B and P/1W
Fri 12th April - presenting – 5/6S,3/4W and 1/2P
Term Dates for 2024
Term 1 | Thurs 8th February – Fri 12th April (EASTER break – 29th March - 2nd April) |
Term 2 | Mon 29th April – Fri 5th July |
Term 3 | Mon 22nd July – Fri 27th Sept |
Term 4 | Mon 14th Oct – Thurs 19th Dec |