20 December 2023
Principals Report
Nut Allergy – Reminder
Launching into Learning 2024
Student Voice
Merit Certificates
Uniform Times
Student Medications
Medical Action Plans
Vulnerable People Card Reminder
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
After School Care
Term Dates for 2024
Community Notices
Principals Report

Some Christmas cheer created by Prep/1 students persisting to create a star for their trees without any adult help. The importance of building persistence and willingness to move on from mistakes is an essential attribute that students need to have the opportunity to practice. Well done, Prep/1s.
Year 6 Leavers
Last week family members came to celebrate our Year 6 Leavers and on Monday the school got to celebrate too and see their music and drama performance. We wish our Y6 students all the best at high school next year and hope that they take the knowledge, skills and values they have learnt while here at Albuera St, into the future.

Kinder activities
Last Tuesday the Kinder Pears went on a Bear Hunt through swishy grass, squelchy mud, tripped through a forest and splashed through water on the way to the cave to spot a bear. Fun was had by all.
The following day was the Kinder Sports Carnival where students participated in different skill-based activities lead by our Year 6 leaders.

P-2 Sports Carnival
Last Wednesday the P-2 students participated in an afternoon of sports activities ably run by the Year 6 leaders and coordinated by Ms Renee Britton.

The weather gods were favourable to us on Thursday for our Carols evening. Students, Mr Eddleston, and Mr Williams with the AUKs, have been learning and practicing their songs all term in anticipation of this event. Much effort and coordination goes into running an event such as this and needs support from many teachers. Mr Peter Eddleston puts in hours of time planning and teaching. The students performed beautifully on the day and the audience were treated to some old, modern and Aussie Christmas songs as well as other songs from the choir that were just wonderful.
A big thank you to the School Association and the volunteer parents and students who ran the BBQ and drinks for the evening. They raised around $800 which will go to the sprucing up of the playground for 2024.

Hampers for the Salvation Army
Thank you for your generosity with all the donations for the Christmas Appeal. There are many families who will have a happier Christmas because of you.

Parent Tip – Positive Parenting
Do you practice empathy with your child?
Do you listen to their side of the story?
Do you try to “catch your child being good”?
If so, you’re using an approach called positive parenting.
Positive parenting focuses on the relationship between you and your child. It prioritizes connection, communication, and coaching.
But here’s what might surprise you:
The goal is not managing your child’s behaviour.
Positive parenting is about your own self-regulation and managing yourself.
That’s because the way you respond to your child sets the tone for how they behave.
If you offer emotional safety, empathy, warmth, and support, it’s easier for your child to cooperate. They’re more willing to communicate openly and behave constructively.
Of course, there’s no perfect way to parent.
But when we regulate our own emotions enough to:
✨ Bond deeply with our children
✨ Nurture their strengths
✨ Coach instead of controlling
…we raise kind, confident kids who know they’ll always have a safe place to land.
Alexandra’s Big Life Journal
Thank you and Farewell,
I would like to say a sad but fond farewell to our Year 6 students who will be heading off to high school next year. We wish them all the best in their new chapter in life and hope that take with them wonderful memories.
There are families who are leaving to move to other places or schools, and we wish them all the best too at their new schools. May 2024 be all that you wished for.
For everyone else -
Best wishes for the festive season and a safe and enjoyable summer break.
See you back at school on Thursday 8th February.

Jo Waldon
Nut Allergy – Reminder
We have a number of students in our school who are allergic to nuts and nut products. Exposure to nuts can trigger an allergic reaction and be life-threatening for these students, so please avoid sending nuts or nut based products to school. We aim to keep our school as nut-free as possible to keep our students safe.
New online information hub for families
Some exciting news! The Department for Education, Children and Young People has recently launched a new online information hub for families with school-aged children in Tasmania. Our new website has information to help you navigate your child's education, from birth all the way up to 18 years of age.
Visit our new webpage at Welcome to your child's Tasmanian education - The Department for Education, Children and Young People Tasmania (decyp.tas.gov.au) (https://www.decyp.tas.gov.au/information-for-families-and-students)
Some of the things you’ll find include
- tips on how to support your child’s learning at home
- information to help you keep your child safe and well
- a guide to explore courses for the career they want
- school holiday and term dates.
We hope this website will be a valuable tool for you as you help your child navigate their education journey. We would love to know what you think of our new information hub for families. You can tell us by completing a quick survey on the webpage.
Launching into Learning 2024

LiL will be on Wednesday afternoon next year at 1.45 pm to 2.45 starting 14th February.
Student Voice
Grade 1/2P
1/2 Puggles
We have had a very full year of learning this year. Here are some of our favourite things.

Grade 3/4B
Hydro Visit
In November our class has a visit from Gina Loewen from the Hydro Education unit about Forces and Magnetism. She told the class how water was collected in dams, transferred through the power stations and transferred into electricity. She set up lots of different experiments for the class to test how gravity effects how quickly water falls onto a turbine causing it to turn and create electricity.

Our class last week visit Big Monkey’s Performance of Pinocchio. We had a beautiful day exploring the Botanical Gardens before the play began.

During 4th term our class has focussed on writing Poetry. We began by looking at Haiku Poetry which consists of 3 lines, with 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables in the last line. We hope you enjoy reading our examples.

Remembrance Day Art
We created a sunset wash before we used black silhouette shapes to recreate a picture to capture the meaning of Remembrance Day to us from picture books.

Wax Museum
Every year our class perform a wax museum. This year the focus was on Important people of the past. A wax museum involves the students researching a person, writing in the first person, dressing up in the style to reflect their character and setting up a table with artefacts to represent their person. We had Colonel Sanders, Albert Einstein, Elon Musk, Alexander Fleming, John Cadbury, Hedy Lamarr, Nancy Johnson and many more. Parents and classes were invited to come in and watch.

Merit Certificates
Prep/1 Jenkin (Wombats)
Maia for being brave and presenting to the class.
Sophia for setting challenging goals for herself.
Liam for his huge improvement in speaking and listening.
Prep/1 Corrigan-Foster (Devils)
Kiana for her dedication and commitment to every learning opportunity.
Julia for being her fabulous, kind hard working self!
Turki for his fabulous start as and Albuera Tassie Devil and a big smile.
Gr 1/2 Parker (Puggles)
Hazel for always doing her personal best.
Flynn for hard work and determination to improve his handwriting.
Kairav for using the self-management learning asset to avoid distractions.
Gr 2 Baird/Adderton (Bilbies)
Tobias for his outstanding narratives and kindness.
Billie for stepping in to help at just the right times.
Paddy for working hard to improve all areas of his learning.
3/4 Burnett
Willow for your determination and perseverance towards all areas of your learning.
Sophia for her positive attitude towards her learning and determination to succeed.
Christian for making great progress in reading, writing, numeracy and your enjoyment of cooking for the class.
3/4 Watkins
Tristan for amazing growth in reading (and reading comprehension).
Benedict for an incredible Wax Museum performance.
Teddy for substantial growth in both literacy and numeracy.
Andrew for excellent improvement this year (Particularly in Maths).
4/5 Williams
Vivienne for a great year's effort, showing focus and always the hope to better her best.
Logan for exceptionally large steps to becoming a seriously good descriptive writer.
Jekei for her persistence in wishing to improve especially in written and spoken.
5/6 Dilger/Jeffrey
Ebony for her personal growth in better understanding her own learning strengths.
Rasesh for his willingness to take on feedback and hand in his best work.
William for readily taking on extra responsibilities and challenges.
Uniform Times
This year as we are setting times available for the purchase of uniforms.
Tuesdays: 2.30pm to 3.00pm
Thursdays: 8.30 am to 9.15am
Orders can be made and paid for over the phone and be ready to pick up at an arranged time if the above times do not suit you.
Uniform sales and levy payment - Thursday 1st Feb 10.00am to 2.00pm at school office.
Other Levy Payment Options
- BPay, Service Tasmania, Eftpos
- Credit Card over the phone (6223 2268)
- Cheque payable to Albuera Street Primary School
- Levy Instalment Plan (Please contact reggett@education.tas.gov.au or 6223 2268)
Student Medications
It is a Department of Education requirement that all medications to be taken by students during the school day are to be passed into the office or teacher in charge of an excursion or camp. The medications require a signed doctor/pharmacist as well as parent permission form (these forms are available in the Forms and Documents panel in the newsletter or at the office). The medication is also to be in the original packaging so that staff know what they are administering. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Medical Action Plans
Every child at Albuera Street Primary with a medical condition needs to supply an updated medical plan to the school each year, especially those with Anaphylaxis and Asthma. Staff from Albuera have been trained in Anaphylaxis using EpiPens and also in Ventolin administration for Asthma. If you are new to the school and your child has a medical condition please come into the office and collect an appropriate action plan form, or if you just have questions please don’t hesitate to phone the school.

Vulnerable People Card Reminder

Sign In Requirements and Checks
New requirements for record keeping have been in effect from August 2018 which specifies that all sites are required to keep visitor sign in registers. All volunteers, external providers, contractors and visitors (where appropriate) must sign in using the visitor register.
A DoE site must request the RWVP card and perform a status check via the DoJ website each time someone presents at or attends a site in their respective capacity. The status check will return current information and indicate any conditions applying to a registration.
If a search fails to return information, this indicates a change in registration has occurred. DoE staff at the worksite must sign off on the visitor register to confirm that RWVP verification has occurred.
The Department requirement is that you must present your RWVP card EVERY time you sign in.
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
To volunteer at this school, you will be required to hold a “Registration to Work with Vulnerable People”. It is extremely important that parent helpers and volunteers are registered and Albuera Street Primary School is recorded in your application.
How to apply for a WWVP Card
Complete the online application form. This is available from the website at:
Chose Department of Education from the organisation drop-down box and also select Albuera Street Primary School from the location drop-down box. Please remember each time to volunteer at the school you need to bring your card each time.
Information for those who need to apply for WWVP card
To volunteer at this school, you will be required to hold a “Registration to Work with Vulnerable People”. It is extremely important that parent helpers and volunteers are registered and Albuera Street Primary School is recorded in your application.
How to apply for a WWVP Card
Complete the online application form. This is available from the website at the link below:
Chose Department of Education from the organisation drop-down box and also select Albuera Street Primary School from the location drop-down box. Please remember each time to volunteer at the school you need to bring your card each time.
Parents/carers are reminded to advise the school office if their child is unable to attend school due to illness or any other reason.
- By phone (62232268) leave a message anytime on the answering machine.
- Email street.primary@education.tas.gov.au
- Schoolzine – click on the absentee tab
A medical certificate is required if a child is absent due to illness for 5 days or more

After School Care
ASC is provided on site by Lady Gowrie Child Care Services (Ph: 6230 6806).
ASC is available from 3.00 pm to 6.00 pm each school day and 1.00pm – 3.00pm Thursday for Kinder.
Term Dates for 2024
Term 1 | Thurs 8th February – Fri 12th April (EASTER break – 29th March - 2nd April) |
Term 2 | Mon 29th April – Fri 5th July |
Term 3 | Mon 22nd July – Fri 27th Sept |
Term 4 | Mon 14th Oct – Thurs 19th Dec |

Community Notices